The sublime in nature is where I find discoveries, questions and understandings. The ocean provides a place for meditation. Its beauty, awe and wonder, but also sorrow as humanity places unrelenting pressures on the world we inhabit. I take the viewer on a journey in their mind, reaching deeper than the surface, an exploration of space to the magical kelp forests impressing upon them to what we belong. It is imperative and never more urgent the need to share this experience and safeguard our future.



Soft sand flows between my toes, a fleeting impression is left with each step; just one of earth’s delights.

Not far away, mesmerising patterns infinitely repeat, impacts of tidal ebb and flow; the ground is firm.

Scorching sun reflects from the glistening water surface, purple spots appear as I close my eyes; a splendid presence.

In front of me the ocean is so vast, I think about disappearing and becoming as one, immersed.

Fear strikes, beauty becomes despair, submission to the elements, I am obedient to your vigour.

I have observed your terror and tranquillity, in the depths I have touched on your mysteries.

We nourish from your delights to serve our hunger, and return poisons to your soul; you are so patient.

Endowed by the senses, absorbed in a melancholic trance; a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life, we are all treading water.



images 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 by Lee Walter

images 4, 7, 8 and 9 by Susie Jane Althorp

image 5 by Phil Hart

